Toss in the excessive load of pop ephemera (I counted 28 pop culture clue/answers) and this played more like a trivia game, much of it of the most trivial sort: Nowhere near record time for me, at least partially because the only song here I find the least bit interesting is ANYWHERE I WANDER. On a different note, I appreciate this blog for allowing me to e-meet Whacks over recent months have a look at his 12:09 AM post today and the link it contains to today's New York Times. In the opinion of the only person whose opinion really counts, this puzzle was run on a Thursday primarily because he found it harder than a Wednesday and not as hard as a Friday. That said, I would still like to call everyone's attention to Gold's latest webcomic, which asks the same question we've all been wondering, viz what's the theme?, and to Shortz's note over at, which provides the answer! Since the latter link may be protected by a paywall, allow me to paraphrase and condense: There is no theme and there is none of the Thursday-type trickery that so many solvers expect. I congratulate Buckley on the technical feat of finding six song titles of length 15 and getting them to interlock in a reasonably clean 72-word grid, and thank and the earlier commentators for their instructive insights and interesting links-to which I have little original to add on my own. Mistook the play on words in 3D: French capitalists? ( PARISIANS)-thought "capital" would refer to currency (a la = PESO), but it's the capital city that was at issue. But classic rock and oldies stations were playing Jackie Wilson and the Shangri-Las regularly when I was in high school (and trying to reject '80s pop music), so that stuff is super familiar to me even though it was popular before I was born. Julius La Rosa is from the pre-Rock era, so I have literally never heard a thing he's ever sung. I can sing at least the chorus, and in most cases much more, of the other five songs. The one exception was the, which is an LOL outlier, esp. I know a lot of song titles, so getting the 15s was no trouble. On a Thursday?-the marquee, pull-out-the-stops, kick-out-the-jams bad-ass theme day?-very disappointing. There's nothing ambitious or interesting here. filling in the grid from there is a cakewalk. why? They have nothing in common besides being songs and b. I'm sure it took a little while to get six songs that worked, but a. Anyway, anyone who thinks this is some kind of amazing feat-finding six 15-letter songs that can intersect like this-clearly has zero experience with the multiple databases and websites and other resources out there. The fill is Monday-easy (possibly easier, since this grid doesn't have Monday's ridiculously unMonday JON SEDA). Seconds away from breaking the four-minute mark. Beat my Tuesday (!) and Wednesday times on this one.