2344 USS Enterprise-C destroyed defending Narendra III. 2293 Khitomer Accords, USS Enterprise-A decommissioned, USS Enterprise-B begins service. 2285 USS Enterprise destroyed above the Genesis Planet. 2257 USS Enterprise in service under Christopher Pike.

Natasha Yar Starships and vehicles USS Enterprise-D ( Galaxy-class explorer).References Characters Referenced only Robert April Technology – including phasers, tricorders and replicators – is analyzed and explained, together with auxiliary vehicles such as shuttles and the captain's yacht.
Ncc integrity plus plus#
It shows the Enterprise -D in detail, inside and out, with illustrations of all the key locations – with special features on the bridge, the transporter room and crew quarters, plus technical features on the warp drive, the holodeck and weapons and defensive systems. Enterprise NCC–1701–D, is a detailed, illustrated account of Captain Picard’s ship. Description This volume, featuring the U.S.S.